App Development in New Zealand with ipad: Synchronizing Technology with the Samoan Language

New Zealand students are using the iPad to prototype their own Samoan language app, and that's just one of many ways that New Zealand is embracing technology. The traditional Polynesian culture has been revitalized with the introduction of new communication tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. This blog post explores how these technological advancements have affected the way people in Samoa communicate with each other on a daily basis.
A school in Christchurch, New Zealand is readying the next generation of leaders. The Bromley School ensures equitable access to innovative tools for learning and empowers its students with this empowerment mentality that will lead them into a bright future ahead
Bromlea primary has been named Ōtautahi's top performing institution according two recent rankings by education authorities around Aotearoa (New Zealand). This recognition comes as no surprise given their focus on empowering every student equally regardless if they are from underprivileged communities or not—this includes ensuring all children have equal opportunities at receiving quality early childhood education along side other important aspects such academic performance later down through adulthood so everyone can reach his/her potential.
We challenge our students to think big and we know that the iPad is a key tool in this mission,” says Dr. Kinley with confidence! The school's goal for its future generation of leaders starts by nurturing independent learners who are not only confident but empowered individuals ready make their mark on society through innovation & creativity; it can do so because these same kids were equipped at an early age.
At Bromley School, every teacher and middle school student has their own iPad. There’s an Apple TV in each classroom to provide easy access for using educational apps like coding software or Minecraft PE on the device as well as projectors that can show digital whiteboards from afar! This new technology is having a major impact not only at home but also while students are away during after-school programs such as Exploratory Learning Time (ELL), where they engage with others around different subject matters outside of what might be offered by traditional schools
The use cases for iPads have expanded since its introduction - one type which was previously impossible without bringing materials into private space now becomes possible due entirely through interactive media. They’re winning regional digital creativity competitions, taking an active role in their learning successes and pitching ideas to local community groups. They also share what they have learned with other schools so that all of us can learn from them as well!
“Tālofa lava, e te tautala Gagana Sāmoa?” (“Hello, do you speak Samoan?”)
When their much-loved Samoan language teacher moved away, many of Bromley’s students wanted to continue learning Gagana Sāmoa — the language spoken in Samoa. But no replacement teachers were available and so they had two options: either stop speaking or find other ways for continuing with lessons on what would be an oral tradition basis only (no written texts).
“I'm part Māori and Samoan, but I only learned my family languages as an adult thanks to some passionate kids!” says Mele Togiaso. “A lot of our students' parents or grandparents are fluent in their home language, but some just know the basics - I had a similar experience growing up," she continues. "We have quite a few Maori/Sami speakers here at Bromley School."
A group of students from years 3 through 6 (ages 8 through 11) asked Togiaso to help them find a way. Together, they formed an inquiry group — the Digi Navigators — and started exploring apps, books & websites that might be useful for continuing their lessons on screen-time management; cognitive development; maths skills like adding up numbers or estimating how much time is left until something happens based off certain clues in stories/nonfiction text types. One day when I was walking home after school with my friends Connor & Michaela— everybody called her 'Mac' because she looked just like one! We were talking about what kind of game would make.
The Digi Navigators are relentless in their pursuit to make education accessible for all. Their innovative products have been designed with the needs of various age groups, including younger learners who need more opportunities to explore and experiment without judgement; fluent English speakers looking for pronunciation instructions alongside text-based materials on topics like science or math equations that still engage them enough so they can understand what is being learned while also staying up late playing games after lights out!
“Tātou a’oa’o Gagana Sāmoa!” (“Let’s learn Samoan!”)
This year, Jeremiah Laufiso and his classmates at the local elementary school in Samoa started an app that will teach children all about Samoan culture. "We wanted it be accessible for everyone," says 12-year old student who helped create Let's Learn Samoan on iPad Pro with Animoto’s video editing tools!
The Digi Navigators created their dream app in Keynote, the powerful presentation tool that comes included with most Apple devices. They were able to combine text and drawings as well as audio recordings of animal sounds they made themselves along with animations for an immersive experience all on one screen — essential ingredients needed when making innovative software like this!
Tobiaso used the App Design Journal from Everyone Can Code, available as a free download on Apple’s app store to help guide their group through developing an app. He says that it's "super helpful" and has even shared this document with others in order for them follow along during development of their own projects. Togiaso also mentioned how awesomely easy these step by steps make designing your own mobile game or social media application seem like!
After brainstorming ideas and creating wireframes for their app, the students divided into content creation teams. They spent time sketching illustrations with Apple Pencil to make sure they expressed themselves artistically before moving on in Keynote or Illustrator if needed! When it came time Record Their Stories they recorded all of those voice overs using only by the iPad's built-in microphone which gave them more control over quality because no one wanted low iPhone Siri sounding voices telling stories.
Testing was also an important part of the process. "This is where we discovered bugs in our prototype, and got feedback on how to improve it," says Amelia Abohay from KIPP schools East Harlem Academy (KEHA). The year 6 student explained that her school had many different groups who helped them by telling what they liked or didn't like about their app while giving ideas for improvement- including parents, friends outside of school - all those people invested into helping make this project as great as possible!
The Digi Navigators also met with a Gagana Sāmoa expert from their community. "This was really valuable because he gave us feedback on our pronunciation, and even more ideas about what we could include," Amelia said after the meeting ended.
Ole autu o lo’u o’o mai (The pitch)
“My mission is to inspire a new generation of Pacific nations and Māori leaders in the tech industry,” said Togiaso. “These underrepresented groups have so much potential but lack opportunities today due largely because they are not being exposed early enough on - I want our kids exposed at an impressionable age! And with all these amazing skills development programs available online or abroad it's never been easier for us as parents either."
Pacific nations are in need of innovative new ideas to tackle social, economic and environmental challenges. That's why the Pacific Islands Tech Innovators network was established last year with support from DFATD ( digitally fuel autism spectrum disorder ) - this gathering aims at bringing together tomorrow’s entrepreneurs who can make an impact now! The Digi Navigators were invited as part on pitching their idea at one these events; it'll be fascinating seeing what people think up next..
In front of an audience that included 50 local tech experts, investors and teachers five Digi Navigators presented their business case. They demonstrated the app prototype they have developed in order to help people find what’s happening around them with just one click or tap on its user interface! The crowd also had opportunities for questions which were answered thoroughly during these presentations so everyone could learn more about how technology can be used differently than before
In addition to showcasing various innovations across industries at last week's Innovation & Ignition Festival event , there was ample opportunity not only watch talented minds innovate but ask them questions too - some serious others humorous ceived. The entrepreneurs have received valuable feedback from a local angel investor that has promised to provide continued support and mentorship as they grow.
"It was really cool to be able to teach our friends the Samoan language using an app that we designed ourselves," says Leonie Bradbrook, a year 6 student. She adds with excitement in her voice- "I would love for more people and even their parents or grandparents who don't speak English as well!"
Fa’afoi ile afio’aga (Giving back to the community)
The Digi Navigators’ teachers and parents have noticed that their students are showing new signs of cultural pride. The deep connection they forge with themselves has given way to a feeling of confidence, resilience -ready for anything!
The experience of working as a team in Pacific cultures has shown that it isn't about any one individual's success — nobody is left behind. And Togiaso agreed, "In our culture we achieve together." The students learned this lesson when they got to work on their own project and see how many people were needed for the job properly be done well; if somebody had missed just one step or took too long then everything would fall apart before your eyes!
Togiaso says that it is in our nature to give back. The kids will be able use their strength for good, not just within themselves but also throughout the world at large; they have so much potential!
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