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Monitor Covid-19 and Flu like symptoms Apple Watch app Cardiogram

Monitor Covid-19 and Flu like symptoms Apple Watch app Cardiogram

There are countless reasons why it's an advantage of owning an Apple Watch.  One of the important key features is the ability to monitor your health vitals.

The latest update now allow's Apple Watcher owners to monitor their bodies' response to sickness.

 AppleInsider, broke the news about a new app that can take advantage to the new feature.  They revealed the app called Cardiogram could help Apple Watch users keep track of their response to the symptoms of infections like flu or COVID-19.

According to Johnson Hsieh, Cardiogram’s co-founder, 

“Cardiogram’s new Sleeping BPM feature can help users become more aware of how their body is responding to symptoms of the flu or other illnesses including COVID-19.”

What can it do?

• The Timeline visualizes your heart rate each day with interactive graphs that make it easy to spot trends and irregularities. When you see an unexpected change, add a note with symptoms or potential triggers of the change. Over time, you can learn how your habits affect your health and have more informed conversations with your doctor.

• Metrics shows you how your resting heart rate, sleep, and move, exercise, and stand activity rings are trending over time.

• Habits lets you find a new healthy habit or activity you’ll love, invite a friend to share metrics, and improve your overall health and fitness.

• You can also build a profile to share health data with medical researchers and contribute to studies on abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and more. 

Now a big disclaimer,  this app will not diagnose if you got Covid19 or Corona Virus.   It's just another tool you can use to help monitor your health. 



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